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I began programming at a young age, in an era when there was no such thing as the internet as we know it today, playing games and learning to code in an era that relied on magazines and others who had the same interests was a challenge to say the least.

In the late 80’s and most of the 90’s I spent developing and designing games, and left the industry in the late 90’s to pursue a career in Application Development, and ending as an Enterprise Backend solutions Architect.

I picked up Unity when it was around version 3.0, or whatever was the first version that made it’s way onto the PC, and began playing around with that as a hobby. Around 2015 I began focusing on Unity more than a hobby and began to really start doing things with it.

While I am retired at the moment due to a physical disability, I haven’t really released anything commercial and have focused more on helping others in the community.

I also operate a Facebook Page, Facebook Group as well as a Discord Server, and have had a YouTube channel that has been neglected for awhile.

I am hoping to change that in 2023.